
21 August 2014 - FEM Perth Chapter Networking Meeting - "Cultural Intelligence - Practical tips to facilitate assignee integration and minimise risk of assignment failure"

Sponsored by Wridgways

Come and reconnect with how it feels to be culturally misaligned. Get an update on how to support your international assignees and hear from both trainers and internal HR. You will learn some practical tips to facilitate assignee integration and minimise risk of assignment failure and meet some local colleagues to share your journey in supporting your employees on the move.

Barbara Bland – Cultural Management Consultant – Billenya Consulting
Jo Scellier – Global Mobility Consultant – International Consultants Centre
Matt Hoffman – HR, IR Manager – Sapura Kencana Petroleum Australia

Register Now

Date: 21st August 2014

Time: 5:15PM – 7:30PM

Westpac Building
109 St. Georges Terrace

Please also join the LinkedInGroup for the Australian Chapter.

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