
7th February 2017 - FEM Brisbane Chapter Meeting - Selection at Its Best: Developing a Diverse and Inclusive Selection Process.

In this deep dive session, we’ll be talking about the everyday bias that creeps into our mobility selection decisions. How do we ensure we’ve selected the right person for the assignment? What is that decision really based on? Who are the highly qualified but invisible people that we didn’t consider in the selection process?

Consider this: bias is a natural evolutionary advantage that allows us to quickly evaluate situations and make snap decisions about the world around us. Although bias can be favourable or unfavourable, it is a personal opinion about an individual or group that may not be based on facts or logic.

In the world of global mobility, this translates into selection decisions happening all around us that may not take into consideration the full value of the available talent pool. Perhaps you can answer some of these questions: would you consider a pregnant employee for a 24 month assignment to India? Or a wheelchair-bound employee for a site based FIFO assignment? Or a part time worker to manage a large national client contract?

In this session, we’ll be talking about the motivations of employees (and potential assignees) and how this plays into the talent selection process. We’ll be looking at the diversity of global mobility assignees and sharing some stories and learnings about whether the selection process really is inclusive.

This will be a lively discussion about the very start of the mobility process (selection) and not to be missed. Given we’re talking about talent, please feel free to forward this invitation to your recruitment/ talent acquisition/ people/ organisational development teams.

Click here to register for the Brisbane Chapter Meeting

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