
9th November 2016 – FEM Sydney Chapter Meeting - Managing Diversity in Your Mobility Programs

Now that international business is the norm, rather than just the preserve of the multinational, the profile of international travellers and assignees is changing. The traditional concept of white-collar male managers travelling between developed economies is a decreasing proportion of such travel nowadays. Our mobile workforce today increasingly reflects the diversity that exists within our society, with a growing numbers of women, older workers, gay/lesbian or transgender, as well as individuals with disabilities. As our August meeting showed, however, from a mobility perspective this trend is not without its challenges and the rate of such change within mobile populations has perhaps not kept pace with wider society.

Following on from our last Chapter Meeting where we discussed gender and mobility, we will take a deeper dive into this topic and look at the arrangements and control systems that may be required to manage a more diverse range of travellers and assignees to mitigate risk effectively.

Issues that might not feature significantly (or at all) in risk assessments for travel in Australia can become much more significant when they emerge abroad. For example, non-work-related health problems that might not feature in assessments for Australian workers could ultimately be life-threatening in less developed economies. Local cultures and approaches to sexuality may also create additional risks.

Following a key note address by Dr. Mpofu, the panel will share examples of best practices for mitigating risks and adapting to diversity in a mobile workforce.

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